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Re: coloring of --help completion possible?

[moved to workers]

Bart Schaefer wrote:

> ...
> For example,
>     zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ...
> is considered "more specific" than
>     zstyle '*:options' list-colors ...
> so the latter style will never be used if the former is defined.
> Arguably this is backwards and the test for "more specific" should be
> done from right to left, but somebody can probably come up with an
> example to the contrary.

`:completion:*' is considered more specific only because there's one
more colon in it.

Hm. I hadn't thought about making later components be considered more
specific, it sounds sensible. But if combined with the existing rules
it would make it much more difficult to guess how specific a pattern
is, I think. And in the examples above, `completion' is after a colon, 
too, exactly like `options'. Unless we ignore leading colons withou
anything before them.


Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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