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Re: Latest hist-immediate-drop patch

Wayne Davison (wayned@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
> I've been rather ambivilent about the new option, but I think I'm ready
> to side with you on the issue -- this delayed-drop is the way the
> history code should have worked in the first place.  Both Zefram and
> Sven voted for the inclusion of the option, though, which is the "safe"
> choice (and everyone else has abstained).  I'd be quite happy to remove
> the hist_immediate_drop option from my patch if we can reach some sort
> of an agreement here.  Any changed votes?  Any new votes?  Or shall I
> just take the bull by the horns and decide for us all?

FWIW, I like the idea a lot, and I'd be quite happy to see it included
with or without the option.  Like Bart, I can't imagine anyone being
seriously bothered by history hanging around for an extra line.

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