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Re: Mandrake 8.0 - compinit in /etc/zshrc

On 21 May 2001, Chmouel Boudjnah wrote:
> and how do you do when you have to modify the skel file on upgrade ?

Here's an alternate solution.  See if you like this.

For a package such as zsh, create a patch in the source rpm that adds
an extra rc-file check that works like this:  If the user's rc file is
missing, we read the default rc file from /usr/lib/zsh (or similar).
This gives all users the default "power options" up until they decide to
take their fate into their own hands and create their own rc file, at
which time they are responsible for updating it on upgrade.  The only
downside I see in this is that the user needs to be made aware that when
they create their own rc file, that they may wish to copy the default rc
file and modify that rather than starting from scratch.  Do you think
that is too big of a problem?  (I don't consider the fact that a user
that creates their own rc file may need to edit their rc file on upgrade
a problem since these users already have to deal with changing their rc
file on upgrade in the current scheme to handle interactions between the
new system rc and their old home rc file).


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