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Re: status codes on Dec OSF

Brian Harvell wrote:

> The following script produces different results when run on a dec machine vs
> a solaris machine. It seems the dec doesn't see the status code of the command
> if your setting the output to a varible.

Hrm.  I have a DEC Alpha with OSF 4.0f, too, but it works for me
(with the current cvs version, but I don't think any of the recent
changes would have any effect on this):

+foo:1> FOO=+foo:1> jfkljfs
foo:1: command not found: jfkljfs
+foo:1> FOO=
+foo:2> echo 1
+foo:3> FOO=+foo:3> pwd
+foo:3> FOO=/home/wischnow/zsh/z/Src/ff
+foo:4> echo 0
+foo:6> jfkljfs
foo:6: command not found: jfkljfs
+foo:7> echo 1
+foo:8> pwd
+foo:9> echo 0


Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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