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PATCH: fix for ${(S)...%%...}

I don't know if you care, but this was wrong.  Consider:

% foo='where I was standing lizards crawled here and there around'
% print ${(S)foo%%h*ere} 
where I was standing lizards crawled here and t around

This is simply the first match found, whereas you want the longest.  You
can only get the longest match by scanning backwards from that point till
it fails.  To do the whole thing quicker, scan forwards from the start,
remember the furthest point matched, and use the longest match which
reached there.  The new version gives:

w around

which I consider to be correct.  The I'th matches for I = 2 and 3 (e.g.
${(SI:2:)foo%%h*ere}) are:

w and there around
w I was standing lizards crawled here and there around

which are correct because you want the longest match which doesn't finish
in the same place as the previous attempt (implying it finishes earlier in
the string).  I tried to make the doc better about what happens when you
scan backwards using %% and (S), but it's already obscure as the darker
reaches of hell.  Any suggestions gratefully received.

Index: Src/glob.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/zsh/zsh/Src/glob.c,v
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -r1.17 glob.c
--- Src/glob.c	2001/05/09 09:00:19	1.17
+++ Src/glob.c	2001/07/05 23:36:13
@@ -2068,7 +2068,7 @@
 static int
 igetmatch(char **sp, Patprog p, int fl, int n, char *replstr)
-    char *s = *sp, *t, sav;
+    char *s = *sp, *t, sav, *furthestend, *longeststart, *lastend;
     int i, l = strlen(*sp), ml = ztrlen(*sp), matched = 1;
     repllist = NULL;
@@ -2243,19 +2243,17 @@
 		*sp = get_match_ret(*sp, l, l, fl, replstr);
 		patoffset = 0;
 		return 1;
-	    } /* fall through */
-	    /* Longest/shortest at end, matching substrings.       */
+	    }
 	    for (t = s + l - 1; t >= s; t--, patoffset--) {
 		if (t > s && t[-1] == Meta)
 		set_pat_start(p, t-s);
 		if (pattry(p, t) && patinput > t && !--n) {
-		    /* Found the longest match */
-		    char *mpos = patinput;
-		    if (!(fl & SUB_LONG) && !(p->flags & PAT_PURES)) {
-			char *ptr;
+		    /* Found a match from this point */
+		    char *mpos = patinput, *ptr;
+		    if (!(p->flags & PAT_PURES)) {
+			/* See if there's a shorter to anywhere */
 			for (ptr = t; ptr < mpos; METAINC(ptr)) {
 			    sav = *ptr;
 			    set_pat_end(p, sav);
@@ -2277,6 +2275,57 @@
 	    set_pat_start(p, l);
 	    if ((fl & SUB_LONG) && pattry(p, s + l) && !--n) {
 		*sp = get_match_ret(*sp, l, l, fl, replstr);
+		patoffset = 0;
+		return 1;
+	    }
+	    patoffset = 0;
+	    break;
+	    /*
+	     * Longest at end, matching substrings.  Scan up from
+	     * start, remembering the furthest we got.  The
+	     * longest string to reach that point wins.
+	     */
+	    furthestend = longeststart = lastend = NULL;
+	    sav = '\0';
+	    while (n) {
+		int l2 = strlen(s);
+		for (i = 0, t = s; i <= l2; i++, t++, patoffset++) {
+		    set_pat_start(p, t-s);
+		    if (pattry(p, t)) {
+			if (!furthestend || 
+			    patinput - t > furthestend - longeststart) {
+			    furthestend = patinput;
+			    longeststart = t;
+			}
+		    }
+		    if (*t == Meta)
+			t++, i++;
+		}
+		if (furthestend) {
+		    if (lastend) {
+			*lastend = sav;
+			lastend = NULL;
+		    }
+		    if (--n && furthestend > s) {
+			lastend = (furthestend > s+1 && furthestend[-2]
+				   == Meta) ? furthestend-2 : furthestend-1;
+			sav = *lastend;
+			set_pat_end(p, sav);
+			*lastend = '\0';
+			furthestend = NULL;
+			patoffset = 0;
+			continue;
+		    }
+		}
+		break;
+	    }
+	    if (lastend)
+		*lastend = sav;
+	    if (!n) {
+		*sp = get_match_ret(*sp, longeststart-s, furthestend-s, fl,
+				    replstr);
 		patoffset = 0;
 		return 1;
Index: Doc/Zsh/expn.yo
RCS file: /cvsroot/zsh/zsh/Doc/Zsh/expn.yo,v
retrieving revision 1.29
diff -u -r1.29 expn.yo
--- Doc/Zsh/expn.yo	2001/05/29 17:54:39	1.29
+++ Doc/Zsh/expn.yo	2001/07/05 23:43:29
@@ -793,7 +793,8 @@
 substituted) or tt(${)...tt(//)...tt(}) (all matches from the
 var(expr)th on are substituted).  The var(expr)th match is counted
 such that there is either one or zero matches from each starting
-position in the string, although for global substitution matches
+position in the string when scanning forwards, or to each finishing
+position when scanning backwards, although for global substitution matches
 overlapping previous replacements are ignored.

Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Work: pws@xxxxxxx
Web: http://www.pwstephenson.fsnet.co.uk

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