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On Apr 1,  3:47pm, Bart Schaefer wrote:
} It means that both RLIMIT_AS and RLIMIT_RSS are defined, are different
} from one another, and that RLIMIT_VMEM is not defined at all.

Oh, but the important bit is that they're defined as members of an enum,
not as integer digits, so they can't be compared for equality using the

With the 18419 patch, zsh compiles but still mishandles "ulimit -v":

schaefer[571] Src/zsh -f
zagzig% limit         
cputime         unlimited
filesize        unlimited
datasize        unlimited
stacksize       8MB
coredumpsize    unlimited
memoryuse       unlimited
maxproc         2040
descriptors     1024
memorylocked    unlimited
addressspace    unlimited
zagzig% ulimit -v 1024
zagzig% zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  Src/zsh -f

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