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Re: PATCH: pcre configuration

    Hi Clint :)

 * Clint Adams <clint@xxxxxxx> dixit:
> >     Thanks for the explanation :) Just one more question: if PCRE is
> > optional, what is it used for? I mean, zsh supports regexes without
> > PCRE, so... is maybe for a module which implements the Perl
> > Compatible regexes?
> Type "man zshmodules" and search for pcre or
> info zsh 'The zsh/pcre Module'

    My zsh (4.0.9) doesn't have a zsh/pcre module, so my surprise
when I saw the first message. I'm not going to use zsh/pcre, but is a
very good idea to add it, because I know some people which only uses
Perl due to its regexes...

    Thanks :)

    Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Linux Registered User 88736
http://www.pleyades.net & http://raul.pleyades.net/

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