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Re: Good, easy to use, upstream defaults for zsh (i.e. improving usability)

On 7/10/05, Keir Mierle <mierle@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> With one problem.
> Defaults. Or lack thereof. It is easy to claim that zsh is so customizable that
> there cannot possibly be any set of defaults that will satisfy everyone. And
> they would be correct. But it is incorrect to say that there cannot be a
> default configuration that is superior to the current default, most of the
> time, for the vast majority of people.

Though I'm not a developer, I can't help but reply to this.   I've
used many linux distributions, and have built linux from scratch
(linuxfromscratch.org). I've also used FreeBSD and OpenBSD, and OS X. 
Each comes with it's own set of defaults (apart from LFS which has no
default zsh config, due to it's being built directly from source). 
Most programs leave any customization to the end user.  If you use zsh
with any of the above mentioned OSes you'll find a slightly different
set of defaults.

I would prefer, as an end user, that the developers focus their
efforts on producing the best possible shell, and leave the
customization to us.


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