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Re: Bug#431437: zsh: 'svn {ci, commit}' completion includes uncontrolled/unmodified files

On Mon, Jul 02, 2007 at 10:19:52AM -0500, Michael Ekstrand wrote:
> The completion routines for arguments to the subversion commit command
> allow completion of uncontrolled and unmodified files.  These files do
> not show up in the list of available completions when Tab is hit twice,
> but they are completed when typed.

This sounds like the normal zsh behavior for ignored files; e.g:

zsh -f
touch foo foobar.old

ls fo<TAB> completes "foo"

ls foob<TAB> completes "foobar.old" (since there are no non-ignored
completions that are possible)

If it is possible to change this behavior, I don't know about how.
Anyone else know?


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