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possible glibc bug with buffers [was Re: 4.3.4-dev-6]

On Thu, Jan 03, 2008 at 05:08:24PM +0000, Peter Stephenson wrote:
> I'm not getting that last "foo"; could there be a race somewhere, or a
> non-standard configuration option set that's doing something odd with
> file descriptors, or something nasty in the compilation tree?

My current understanding of the situation is as follows:
bash, ksh, and zsh behave normally under glibc 2.3

under glibc 2.7, ksh behaves normally

bash does this
$ echo one >/dev/full
bash: echo: write error: No space left on device
$ echo two

and zsh does this
% echo one >/dev/full
echo: write error: no space left on device
% echo two

I can't reproduce this with a simple fprintf-ing to /dev/full.

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