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Re: Making built-in completion recognize : as word boundary

On Fri, 29 Feb 2008 22:23:38 +0100 "Mikael Magnusson" <mikachu@xxxxxxxxx>

> I know that doesn't answer your actual question, but maybe it's useful
> as a workaround.

Thanks, but the PATH and : issue was just an example. The same problem
happens with

program --file=/us<TAB>

and in other cases. zsh does not seem to take anything but whitespace as a
word boundary except for special cases such as variable assignment (e.g.
PATH=/us<TAB> works). I really want to fix this for good, but I don't feel
like digging through the complete source, so I'll need at least some


Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.

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