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Re: PATCH: (large) initial support for combining characters in ZLE.

On 13/04/2008, Peter Stephenson <p.w.stephenson@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Here is my first broad brush attempt to get combining characters working
>  in the line editor.  I think it's now working well enough to make it
>  worth testing, even if most of the testing is going to be making sure I
>  haven't broken anything that currently works.  SINGLE_LINE_ZLE in
>  particular could do with a workout since I've changed that without a
>  great deal of testing (it's not fundamentally kaput, but it could easily
>  be slightly bruised).

Hi, I'm not sure if you want bug reports at this point, but one thing
I noticed and can reproduce in zsh -f is that the cursor sometimes
gets misplaced in the terminal with combiningchars on.
% zsh -f
% setopt combiningchars
% print -z $'\u0342'
the buffer should now contain an inverted <0342>, press left or ctrl-a
or whatever to go to the start of the line and press 'a'. Here, in
both urxvt and xterm (though in xterm no ~ appears over the a) the
cursor goes to sit on the start of the previous line in the terminal.
Funnily when you backspace it goes back to the proper place in the
current buffer again.

Mikael Magnusson

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