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compmatch behaviour

Plea for help.

I usually face the completion code on my own, but I'm just looking at
trying to update the matching code to make it more general.  (I believe
I'm already relying on a change of Andrey's that simplifies it in one
respect.  Thank you.)

However, there's one bit that's got me stumped, and unfortunately it's
the core of the whole business.  bld_line() in Src/Zle/compmatch.c works
as follows:

- Input a "word pattern" (the test completion) and a "line pattern" (what
  we're matching it against).
- If we haven't yet got to the end of the line pattern
  - If the line pattern is an equivalence class, then for *every* character
    that can match the character in the test word (yes, you read that
    correctly---if we're looking at upper case characters, for example,
    we will try every possible upper case character until it works)
    - set the character in the string from the command line
    - recurse to test with this character in place with the line
      pattern advanced but the same word pattern
    - if it succeeded, return success.
  - If it's not an equivalence class, no problem: only one character
    to try.  Try it (same recursive logic but no nasty loop).
- If we've got to the end of the line pattern (i.e. have recursed to the
  extent where we've got a complete string from the command line,
  - try matching the test completion and the trial word
  - return success or failure.  (This causes the loop above either
    to return success or try with a new character in the equivalence

In other words, to detect a match we try every possible character that
could possibly match and see if it does.  This is crazy.  Obviously this
doesn't generalize to larger groups of characters.

I think the basic reason for this is something along the lines of the
following (I realise this isn't particularly coherent but this is the
best I've got for now): because we can have patterns associated with
both the trial string and the word on the command line, we have got
ourselves into a position where the logic is naturally qudratic: both
sides can in principle change and consequently we need to change one
side to see if it can match the other.

The code for bld_line() is in Src/Zle/compmatch.c.  If anyone can see a
way out of this mess, I'd be glad to hear even tentative theories.
Obviously, I will continue to look at it.  For now, however, I'm

Another problem is that the match code makes extensive use of lengths,
which need to become character counts, which means that anything that
touches this code needs to use wide characters, which is a lot of
tortuous code.  However, that problem is in principle soluble.  We need
to get the first problem solved.

Peter Stephenson <p.w.stephenson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Web page now at http://homepage.ntlworld.com/p.w.stephenson/

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