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Re: environment settings

Hi Stephane,

Stephane Chazelas <Stephane_Chazelas@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 08:33:02AM +0000, Jörg Sommer wrote:
> [...]
>> > Which in a way makes sense though is not very useful. ~/.zshrc
>> > is your shell configuration file. ~/.zprofile is you session
>> > configuration file.
>> >
>> > Generally, in ~/.zshrc, you put stuff that affects the behavior
>> > of interactive shells (sets shell options, defines shell
>> > aliases, configure completions).
>> >
>> > In ~/.zprofile, you define what affects any process started in
>> > your session not necessarily only the shell processes.
>> And what's the meaning of .zshenv? I use it for my environment variables
>> like EDITOR, because my session is started by X.
> [...]
> Your X login procedure should source your .zprofile

How should this work? How can a binary program or a Perl script source a
shell file?

> .zshenv is to fix up situations where it's not possible in my
> opinion. It's like the SHELLOPTS, BASH_ENV variables with bash
> or ENV with some kshs, it should be used with extreme care and
> probably not permanently.

That .zshenv is evaluated by every script is usable for me, because I set
(or update) the value of http_proxy and ftp_proxy there. Their current
value get's written to a file by a system script and I read these values
in .zshenv.

Bye, Jörg.
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unlogisch zu handeln! Das Gesagte ist nicht das Gemeinte und das Gehörte
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