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Re: history-incremental-pattern-search-backward matches all lines ending with ]

2009/11/28 Mikael Magnusson <mikachu@xxxxxxxxx>:
> I can't reproduce this with zsh -f (yes, I did bindkey '^r'
> history-incremental-pattern-search-backward first) but I have a
> feeling I'll forget about this if I don't send the mail :).
> % echo bar\]
> bar]
> % echo foo
> % <ctrl-r>
> bck-i-search: foo
> This now shows the 'echo foo' line, but pressing ctrl-r again goes to
> the 'echo bar\]' line.

Oops, this was due to an experiment I was doing with brace
highlighting, sorry for the noise. I added a shell hook in zrefresh
which is probably quite crazy, which ended up overwriting the static
variables used in the isearch pattern matching.

Mikael Magnusson

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