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Re: New completion script for FFmpeg

Added missing completion for:

  -f <format>
  -pix_fmt <pix_fmts>
  -[asv]bsf <bitstream_filter>
  -vfilter <filter-spec>
  -apre <preset>
  -spre <preset>
  -vpre <preset>

Should be pretty complete now.

#compdef ffmpeg

local context state line
typeset -A opt_args

local BOLD=$'\e[1m'
local NORM=$'\e[m'

_ffmpeg_compadd() {
    compadd -X "${BOLD}$1${NORM}" -q -S "$3" -a $2

_ffmpeg_presets() {
    local presets
    presets=(~/.ffmpeg/*.ffpreset(:t:r) "$FFMPEG_DATADIR"/*.ffpreset(:t:r))
    _ffmpeg_compadd 'select preset' presets ''

_ffmpeg_acodecs() {
    local acodecs
    acodecs=($(ffmpeg -codecs 2>/dev/null | sed -n '/^ .[E ]A/ {s/^ .......//; s/ .*//p;}'))
    _ffmpeg_compadd 'force audio codec (''copy'' to copy stream)' acodecs ''

_ffmpeg_vcodecs() {
    local vcodecs
    vcodecs=($(ffmpeg -codecs 2>/dev/null | sed -n '/^ .[E ]V/ {s/^ .......//; s/ .*//p;}'))
    _ffmpeg_compadd 'force video codec (''copy'' to copy stream)' vcodecs ''

_ffmpeg_formats() {
    local formats
    formats=($(ffmpeg -formats 2>/dev/null | sed -e '1,/--/d' -e 's/^....//' -e 's/ .*//' | tr , '\n' | sort | uniq))
    _ffmpeg_compadd 'force format' formats ''

_ffmpeg_list_pix_fmts() {
    ffmpeg -pix_fmts 2>/dev/null | sed -e '1,/-----/d' -e 's/^......//' -e 's/ .*//'

_ffmpeg_pix_fmts() {
    local pix_fmts
    _ffmpeg_compadd 'set pixel format' pix_fmts ''

_ffmpeg_bsfs() {
    local bsfs
    bsfs=($(ffmpeg -bsfs 2>/dev/null | sed 1d))
    _ffmpeg_compadd 'set bitstream filter' bsfs ''

_ffmpeg_argspecs="$(ffmpeg -h 2>/dev/null | perl -e '
my $lastopt;
my $lastopt_description;
my $lastopt_takesargs;
my @lastopt_values;
while (<>) {
    if (/^(-\S+)\s+(\S.+)$/) {
        $lastopt = $1;
        $lastopt_description = $2;
        if ($lastopt_description =~ /<\w+>/) {
            $lastopt_description =~ s/<.*?>\s+//;
            $lastopt_description =~ s/\S{5} ?//;
            $lastopt_description = $lastopt if not $lastopt_description;
        } elsif ($lastopt_description =~ /^(\S+)\s\s+/) {
            my $example = $1;
            $lastopt_description =~ s/^\S+\s\s+//;
            if ($example eq q(filename)) {
                $lastopt_takesargs = 0;
                $lastopt .= qq(:$lastopt_description:_files);
            } elsif ($lastopt =~ /^-[asv]pre$/) {
                $lastopt_takesargs = 0;
                $lastopt .= qq(: :_ffmpeg_presets);
            } elsif ($lastopt eq q(-acodec)) {
                $lastopt_takesargs = 0;
                $lastopt .= qq(: :_ffmpeg_acodecs);
            } elsif ($lastopt eq q(-vcodec)) {
                $lastopt_takesargs = 0;
                $lastopt .= qq(: :_ffmpeg_vcodecs);
            } elsif ($lastopt eq q(-f)) {
                $lastopt_takesargs = 0;
                $lastopt .= qq(: :_ffmpeg_formats);
            } elsif ($lastopt eq q(-pix_fmt)) {
                $lastopt_takesargs = 0;
                $lastopt .= qq(: :_ffmpeg_pix_fmts);
            } elsif ($example eq q(bitstream_filter)) {
                $lastopt_takesargs = 0;
                $lastopt .= qq(: :_ffmpeg_bsfs);
            } else {
                $lastopt_takesargs = 1;
                $lastopt_description .= qq{ ($example)};
        } else {
            $lastopt_takesargs = 0;
            if ($lastopt eq q(-vfilters)) {
                $lastopt .= qq(: :->vfilters);
        @lastopt_values = ();
    } elsif (/^   (\S+)/) {
        $lastopt_takesargs = 1;
        push @lastopt_values, $1;

sub escape_str {
    $_[0] =~ s/:/\\:/g;

sub print_opt {
    return if not $lastopt;

    print qq($lastopt);
    if (!$lastopt_takesargs) {
        print qq(\n);
    } else {
        print qq(:$lastopt_description:);
        if (@lastopt_values) {
            printf qq{(%s)}, join(q( ), @lastopt_values);
        print qq(\n);

_arguments -S \
    "${_ffmpeg_argspecs[@]}" \
    '*:output file:_files' \
    && return 0

[[ "$state" == "vfilters" ]] &&
 _values -s , -S = 'video filters' \
 'aspect:set aspect ratio (rational number X\:Y or decimal number):' \
 'crop:crop input video (x\:y\:width\:height):' \
 'format: :->format' \
 'noformat: :->noformat' \
 'null' \
 'pad:add pads to the input image (width\:height\:x\:y\:color_string):' \
 'pixelaspect:set pixel aspect ratio (rational number X\:Y or decimal number):' \
 'scale:scale input video (width\:height):' \
 'slicify:output slice height ("random" or a number of pixels):' \
 'unsharp:luma_x\:luma_y\:luma_amount\:chroma_x\:chroma_y\:chroma_amount:' \
 'vflip' \
 'buffer' \
 'nullsrc' \
 'nullsink' \
 && return 0

[[ "$state" == "format" ]] &&
 _values -s : -S = 'convert input video to one of the specified pixel formats' $(_ffmpeg_list_pix_fmts) && return 0

[[ "$state" == "noformat" ]] &&
 _values -s : -S = 'disable specified pixel formats by force' $(_ffmpeg_list_pix_fmts) && return 0

return 1


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