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PATCH: (1/4) vcs_info: Support registering hooks independent of the context

 Functions/VCS_Info/VCS_INFO_hook |   18 +++++++++++++++---
 1 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Functions/VCS_Info/VCS_INFO_hook b/Functions/VCS_Info/VCS_INFO_hook
index 7274d72..479f596 100644
--- a/Functions/VCS_Info/VCS_INFO_hook
+++ b/Functions/VCS_Info/VCS_INFO_hook
@@ -2,24 +2,36 @@
 ## Written by Frank Terbeck <ft@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 ## Distributed under the same BSD-ish license as zsh itself.
-local hook func
+local hook static func
 local -x context hook_name
 local -xi ret
-local -a hooks
+local -a hooks tmp
 local -i debug
 zstyle -t "${context}" debug && debug=1 || debug=0
 if (( debug )); then
     printf 'VCS_INFO_hook: running hook: "%s"\n' "${hook_name}"
     printf 'VCS_INFO_hook: current context: "%s"\n' "${context}"
+    printf 'VCS_INFO_hook: static context: "%s"\n' "${static}"
-zstyle -a "${context}" hooks hooks || return 0
+zstyle -a "${static}" hooks hooks
+if (( debug )); then
+    printf '+ static hooks: %s\n' "${(j:, :)hooks}"
+zstyle -a "${context}" hooks tmp
+if (( debug )); then
+    printf '+ context hooks: %s\n' "${(j:, :)tmp}"
+hooks+=( "${tmp[@]}" )
+(( ${#hooks} == 0 )) && return 0
 # Protect some internal variables in hooks. The `-g' parameter to
 # typeset does *not* make the parameters global here (they are already
 # "*-local-export). It prevents typeset from creating *new* *local*

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