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Re: git updates stalled?

On 2013-02-17 at 11:19 -0800, Bart Schaefer wrote:
> Access for the current "Code" repository is shown as
> 	git clone ssh://git.code.sf.net/p/zsh/code zsh-code

Beware that there is no "standard git user" which dispatches based upon
the SSH key fingerprint, so this is very different from the GitHub

The above command assumes that you've already arranged that ssh will use
your SF account-name for talking to sf.net machines.

This (in ~/.ssh/config) fixes it to work for me:

Host *.sf.net *.sourceforge.net
	User pdpennock
	ForwardAgent no
	ForwardX11 no
	GSSAPIAuthentication no

> Does anyone think we should also install the "git" tool?

(I am not ignoring this, I just lack knowledge of what SF are doing
 across their product versions, to be able to give a meaningful answer.)


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