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Re: zsh completer _approximate completer


> I'm assuming they get ignored because they contradict the previous group
> ordering.
> This makes sense when you consider that a group-order is something that
> can't be applied for specific matches: there is one ordering for all
> matches. Perhaps a group-order from a tag loop where no matches are
> actually generated should be thrown away.
> So in conclusion, don't set group-order with a general style.

I removed the group-order from the general style and am trying to set
it at a more specific context.

zstyle -L
zstyle -L
zstyle ':completion:*:options' auto-description %d
zstyle ':completion::complete:*' cache-path /home/j/var/zsh/zcompcache
zstyle ':completion:hist-complete:*' completer _history
zstyle ':completion:*:options' description yes
zstyle ':completion:*:corrections' format ' %F{green}-- %d (errors: %e) --%f'
zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format ' %F{yellow}-- %d --%f'
zstyle ':completion:*:messages' format ' %F{purple} -- %d --%f'
zstyle ':completion:*:warnings' format ' %F{red}-- no matches found --%f'
zstyle ':completion:*' format ' %F{yellow}-- %d --%f'
zstyle ':completion:*:default' list-prompt '%S%M matches%s'
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}' 'r:|[._-]=*
r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
zstyle ':completion:predict:*' menu yes
zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:*:*' menu select
zstyle ':completion:*' show-completer true
zstyle ':completion::complete:*' use-cache on
zstyle ':completion:*' use-compctl false
zstyle :predict verbose true
zstyle ':completion:*' verbose yes
zstyle ':completion:*' completer _expand _complete _ignored _approximate
zstyle ':completion:*' completer _expand _complete _ignored _approximate
zstyle ':completion::expand:*' group-order original expansions all-expansions
zstyle ':completion::expand:*' group-order original expansions all-expansions
grep test *
 -- expansions --
01-colors.zsh                01-prezto-helper.zsh
05-appearance.unused_zsh                06-zex.zsh-does-not-work
   10-syntax.zsh.trapd00r   20-abbrevations.zsh   20-bookmarks.zsh
20-history.zsh               20-setopts.zsh
39-completion-skeleton.zsh              40-alias-global.zsh
   40-alias-ls.zsh          40-alias-suffix.zsh   40-alias.zsh
40-completion.zsh.20130228   40-completion.zsh.20130301
40-completion.zsh.original              40-directory.zsh
   50-bindkeys.zsh          50-functions.zsh      60-git.zsh
70-simpleprompt.zsh          90-syntax.zsh
91-history-substring-search.zsh   92-auto-fu.zsh.disable
99-startup.zsh        all_opts           all_opts_bang
bart.theme                   colorize                     colorize.c
compdef.disable          .git                  .gitignore
mikachu-dot-zshrc            prezto
start-zsh-with-cmd.exp                  todo
   todo.txt                 trapd00r.theme        zex-zsh
zprofile.20120319            zprofile.20130124
zprofile.latest                         zprofile.root
   zprofile.simple          zsh_history.joe       zshrc

grep test *
tags in context :completion::expand:::
    all-expansions expansions original  (_expand)

It does not show the original before.

Even adding this: zstyle ':completion::expand:*' tag-order original
expansions all-expansions, shows the same behaviour.

Any thoughts, please?


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