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Re: bug with eval, proc-subst and pipes

2013-07-20 23:55:01 +0100, Peter Stephenson:
> Any chance the following patch resolves the issue?  (I checked
> and there shouldn't be any work for Vincent this time
> round...)

Well, something I failed to mention as I had overlooked it
myself is that "ls" is a function from my .zshrc

ls() {
  if [[ -t 1 ]]; then
    command ls -F --color "$@"
    command ls "$@"

Now, and it was already the case before that last patch,
I can't reproduce it with "paste" or "/bin/ls", only with that
"ls" function, so it's a different case from the initial issue I
was originally reporting (which seems to be now fixed with the
patch before this one).

To be clear, to reproduce this new one:

zsh -f
ls() command ls "$@"
eval 'ls -l <(echo 1) <(echo 2) <(echo 3) <(echo 4)' | cat

(no need for compinit here)

And I can reproduce that one with Ubuntu 10.04 and 12.04 as well.


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