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Re: ANSI bg colour outside of prompt area

23.02.2015, 19:48, "Bart Schaefer" <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> On Feb 23, 11:58am, Christian Neukirchen wrote:
> }
> } In xterm and urxvt, you can do
> }
> } printf '\033]10;%d\a\033]11;%d\a' $fgcolor $bgcolor
> Hmm, that didn't work for me -- it did nothing in xterm, and in urxvt it
> changed the background but not the foreground.
> Incidentally $fgcolor and $bgcolor there are numeric codes, not escape
> sequences.  If you do
>     autoload colors
>     colors
> then you can use e.g. $color[yellow] to get the numeric code.

I do not know why Christian Neukirchen thinks fgcolor and bgcolor are supposed to be numeric codes here. You should actually use strings: the following works in urxvt, xterm and konsole:

    printf '\033]10;%s\a\033]11;%s\a' Blue Red
    printf '\033]10;%s\a\033]11;%s\a' '#00FF00' '#0000FF'

. These are colors recognized by an X11 function, *not* the terminal escape sequences or terminal color numbers.

Specification in http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html explicitly says that XParseColor function is used to parse color names (“The colors are specified by name or RGB specification as per XParseColor.”). So it is completely useless to have `%d` in `printf` call for xterm.

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