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[PATCH] New completion: beep. (And a note on _mkdir)

The new completion is appended.  It's mostly boilerplate except for the
handling of $words/$CURRENT to support specifying the arguments multiple
times separated by -n.

On another matter, someone left a question in _mkdir about how to detect

    20	_pick_variant -r variant gnu=gnu zsh='\(eval\)' $OSTYPE --help
    21	# It can still happen that there is a precommand command or builtin in the line.
    22	# In such cases, the variant has to be modified suitably, after further checking
    23	# the variant of the _command_ mkdir.
    25	# I currently don't know of any way to find out what precommands are present on
    26	# the line. The variant should be modified like this once a way is found out:
    28	# if [[ $variant == zsh ]]; then
    29	#   if [[ $precommand = *command* ]]; then
    30	#     _mkdir_command () { command mkdir "$@" }
    31	#     _pick_variant -c _mkdir_command -r variant gnu=gnu unix --help
    32	#   fi
    33	# elif [[ $precommand = *builtin* ]]; then
    34	#   variant=zsh
    35	# fi

The answer is, use the $precommands array, like _calendar does.  The
array is populated by _precommand and used by _main_complete.


diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_beep b/Completion/Unix/Command/_beep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c49c097
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_beep
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#compdef _beep
+# beep  [--verbose | --debug] [-e device | --device device] [-f N] [-l N]
+#       [-r N] [-d N] [-D N] [-s] [-c]
+# beep [ OPTIONS ] [-n] [--new] [ OPTIONS ]
+# beep [-h] [--help]
+# beep [-v] [-V] [--version]
+# We support the -n/--new restart flag, when it is in its own word, by
+# stripping all words from the command line that are after the first -n
+# following words[CURRENT] or before the first -n preceding it.  As far as
+# _arguments knows, the -n flag does not exist, and argv should specify
+# a single beeping specification.
+## Strip $words[2] through the first -n preceding $words[CURRENT].
+integer specstart
+while specstart=$words[(i)(-n|--new)]
+      (( specstart < CURRENT ))
+  words[2,specstart]=()
+  (( CURRENT -= specstart - 1))
+unset specstart
+## Strip everything in $words after the first -n following $words[CURRENT].
+integer specend
+while specend=$words[(I)(-n|--new)]
+      (( specend > CURRENT ))
+  words[specend,$#words]=()
+unset specend
+local -a args
+  "(--verbose --debug)"{--verbose,--debug}"[enable debug output]"
+  "(-e --device)"{-e+,--device=}"[specify device to use]:device (default /dev/tty0, /dev/vc/0)"
+  "-f+:frequency (Hz) as integer or float"
+  "-l+:duration (ms)"
+  "-r+:number of repetitions"
+  "(-D)-d+[delay between beeps]:delay (ms)"
+  "(-d)-D+[delay after each beep]:delay (ms)"
+  "(-n --new)"{-n,--new}"[start a new beeping specification]"
+  "-s[cat, and beep after each line]"
+  "-c[cat, and beep after each character]"
+  "(-)"{-h,--help}"[display usage info]"
+  "(-)"{-v,-V,--version}"[display version info]"
+_arguments -s -S -w : $args

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