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Re: 5.0.9 eventually...?

On Aug 8, 2015 12:11 PM, "Peter Stephenson" <p.w.stephenson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Anyone (including Bart, obviously) with a feel for what's the state of
> affairs with regards to immediate problems?

Nothing has been done about the infinite loop with "wait" printing the job
status.  After pointing out that ksh and bash differ in wait
implementation, I got distracted by the signal handing deadlock thread.

I have what I think is a comprehensive patch for that signal issue but am
AFK today (writing this message on my phone).  Will post later.

I posted a sort-of patch for the "typeset -T" crash, but I agree that it is
not the ideal solution.

That's as much as I'm aware of from memory.

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