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Re: end-of-line not working as advertised?

On Aug 21, 10:14pm, Robin Lee Powell wrote:
} That is *SUPER* helpful!  Thank you so much.

This is actually a better way, I think:

vi-next-end-of-line() {
  # In vicmd mode, CURSOR can never be at EOL, and in fact can't
  # be closer than 2 positions to the left of EOL, because the
  # on-screen visible cursor is always one place to the right of
  # the value of CURSOR and never "over" the newline itself.
  if [[ $KEYMAP = vicmd ]]; then
    (( CURSOR++ ))
  if [[ $BUFFER[CURSOR+1] = $'\n' ]]; then
  zle vi-end-of-line	

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