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Re: Slowdown around 5.0.5-dev-0

PS. test where I don't wait for 5.0.2 to become fast. RES is 392M.

Best regards,
Sebastian Gniazdowski

On 13 October 2015 at 15:07, Sebastian Gniazdowski
<sgniazdowski@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 12 October 2015 at 10:21, Sebastian Gniazdowski
> <sgniazdowski@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> With both patches zprof running time is around 1806. RES is 152M and
>> goes down nicely to 37564 when I quit the script. Didn't observe
>> after-while slow down. The tool is almost fully usable for 89k
>> elements (there's still a bit lag), however searching is slow, I
>> attached zprof results for searching. It is done via two following
>> invocations:
>>                 list=( "${(@M)list:#(#i)*$~search_pattern*}" )
>>                 col_list=(
>> "${(@)list//(#mi)($~colsearch_pattern)/$red${MATCH}$reset}" )
>> Maybe they trigger some specific behavior on heap?
> Did one more memory and performance test for version with both patches
> and without them. Earlier I just started the script and moved 9 lines,
> then checked memory. Now I ran search with $search_pattern and
> $colsearch_pattern set to "s", single leter, then checked memory. RES
> is 433M and 432M, so it's fine. The patched (HEAD) version is 14 times
> faster. I also checked 5.0.2 – RES is 400M, and it's ~8 times slower
> than the patched version.
> Best regards,
> Sebastian Gniazdowski
5.0.2 - without waiting for "second breath", just ~1 sec to check if it's slow
(i.e. at the first breath). Searching for "s" (lists of 89k elements)

num  calls                time                       self            name
 1)  115       58373,85   507,60   54,48%  58373,85   507,60   54,48%  _nlist_print_with_ansi
 2)    1       107124,50 107124,50   99,98%  46496,94 46496,94   43,40%  n-list
 3)    5       60289,00 12057,80   56,27%   1915,15   383,03    1,79%  n-list-draw
 4)    5         298,42    59,68    0,28%    230,25    46,05    0,21%  n-list-input
 5)    4          88,38    22,09    0,08%     88,38    22,09    0,08%  _nlist_cursor_visibility
 6)    5          17,66     3,53    0,02%     17,66     3,53    0,02%  _nlist_status_msg
 7)    5          14,79     2,96    0,01%     14,21     2,84    0,01%  _nlist_setup_user_vars
 8)    1          23,31    23,31    0,02%      9,11     9,11    0,01%  _nlist_exit
( n-panelize < ~/lsoflsof; )  108,20s user 0,44s system 99% cpu 1:49,53 total

RES: 392M

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