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Re: Prompt Redrawn When Resizing Or Deleting Panes In Tmux

PS1="%F{3} ~%F{4} %D{%I}%F{7}:%F{4}%D{%M}%F{6} %D{%P} %F{2}%n%f >"
RPS1="%F{7}< %F{4}%M:%F{6}%y:%F{3}%~%f"

20. May 2016 10:38 by kp-pav@xxxxxxxxx:

> 20.05.2016, 04:37, "> email.box@xxxxxxxxxxx> " <> email.box@xxxxxxxxxxx> >:
>> Hello,
>> I'm not sure if this is a bug, or because the way tmux works, zsh is
>> redrawing itself on the screen, therefore creating addition prompts.
>> Please see this bug report for all the things I've been running into with
>> tmux;
>> https://github.com/tmux/tmux/issues/405
>> thanks
> It must redraw itself on screen when resizing at least because otherwise it 
> will have no idea about where user cursor actually is (which means 
> redrawing with the same problems while typing something or throwing visual 
> artifacts at user), not to mention that right prompts will be positioned 
> wrongly after resize and some prompts (e.g. powerline) may want to 
> shrink/expand themselves when given additional space. What you see though 
> is rather strange, so I would ask what is there in your PS1 and RPS1.

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