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SH_GLOB influence on a script and on an autoload function

Below is a simple script (save to file rtest1) that works well despite
SH_GLOB should or could stop the pattern from parsing. The same
doesn't work for autoload. If one does:

setopt shglob
autoload rtest1

then error occurs:

rtest1:8: parse error near `('

Why does this happen? Probably no workaround for this?

Best regards,
Sebastian Gniazdowski


#!/usr/local/bin/zsh-5.2-dev-1 --shglob

emulate -LR zsh
setopt extendedglob

tmp="something txt=1234 something"

if [[ "$tmp" = *txt=(#b)([0-9]##)(|[[:blank:]]*) ]]; then
    echo "Matched, match is: $match[1]"
    echo "No match"

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