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[PATCH] Documentation on (A) Create array parameter

(A) completion and documentation suggest straight creation:

       A      Create an array parameter with `${...=...}', `${...:=...}'
       or `${...::=...}'.  If this  flag  is
              repeated (as in `AA'), create an associative array
              parameter.  Assignment is made before sorting
              or padding; if field splitting is active, the word part is
              split before  assignment.   The  name
              part  may  be  a  subscripted  range  for ordinary arrays;
              the word part must be converted to an
              array, for example by using `${(AA)=name=...}' to activate
              field  splitting,  when  creating  an
              associative array.

This test:

% typeset -a overwrite_me=( 1 ); () { var_name="overwrite_me"; :
${(PA)var_name::=}; }; echo $overwrite_me"."${(t)overwrite_me}

% () { local -a overwrite_me=( 1 ); () { var_name="overwrite_me"; :
${(PA)var_name::=}; }; echo $overwrite_me"."${(t)overwrite_me} }

shows that parameter is reused if it exists, even if it exists on lower
scoping level. That's useful when coding, the patch adds one sentence
that clarifies this.

  Sebastian Gniazdowski
diff --git a/Doc/Zsh/expn.yo b/Doc/Zsh/expn.yo
index cf4f69e..386db08 100644
--- a/Doc/Zsh/expn.yo
+++ b/Doc/Zsh/expn.yo
@@ -964,6 +964,8 @@ assignment.  The var(name) part may be a subscripted range for
 ordinary arrays; the var(word) part em(must) be converted to
 an array, for example by using `tt(${(AA)=)var(name)tt(=)...tt(})'
 to activate field splitting, when creating an associative array.
+If the array parameter whose creation is requested already exists,
+it is reused, even when it exists at lower scoping level.
 Sort in array index order; when combined with `tt(O)' sort in reverse

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