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[PATCH] Extend (z) test with data that seemed to cause fail

I have a finished script where I use (z). I once feed it a data:

^FZUI^_ text-field example:

on which for 4th "^Z..." segment it was returning multiple segments.
This happened for 5 minutes, then it stopped. Because I wasn't touching
the script-black-box, I think it's really a (z) thing. I suspect some
missing "calloc" instead of "malloc", etc. So maybe it's worth adding
this test case (patch attached) to D04parameter with this exact data:

  foo="^FZUI^_ text-field example:
  print "${#${(z@)foo}}"
0:Test real-world data that once seemed to fail

  Sebastian Gniazdowski
diff --git a/Test/D04parameter.ztst b/Test/D04parameter.ztst
index fba95cc..ec799f2 100644
--- a/Test/D04parameter.ztst
+++ b/Test/D04parameter.ztst
@@ -640,6 +640,11 @@
 >$(|||) bar
+  foo="ZUI text-field example: zuitfieldtfield1_1''''1ZUI\[my_tfield1_width\]ZUI\[my_tfield1_start\]ZUI\[my_tfield1_data\]"
+  print "${#${(z@)foo}}"
+0:Test real-world data that once seemed to fail
   setopt promptsubst
   foo='It shouldn'\''t $(happen) to a %1v.'

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