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Re: Completion segmentation fault

Hadrien Lacour <hadrien.lacour@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Hello,
> I'm getting a segmentation fault when trying to complete (typing TAB)
>> sh -c '. echo;
> It seems that doing
>> export WORDCHARS=""
> before mitigates it. WORDCHARS=*?_-.[]~&;!#$%^(){}<> otherwise.
> Using zsh 5.3.1 on Gentoo with the following .zshrc
>> cat ~/.zshrc
> autoload -U compinit
> compinit

gdb tells infinite recursion between _source, _dispatch, and _normal,
then stack overflow.  (Entry point is from _cmdstring.)

Leah Neukirchen  <leah@xxxxxxxx>  http://leah.zone

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