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[patch] signify and vmctl completers

It seems to be the time to raid your tree for unset completer changes,
so here are two for signify and vmctl. Thanks to Oliver for helping with

- Matthew Martin

diff --git a/Completion/BSD/Command/_signify b/Completion/BSD/Command/_signify
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..26571aa2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/BSD/Command/_signify
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#compdef signify
+_arguments -s -S -A "-*" : \
+  - checksum \
+  '-C[verify a signed checksum list and the checksum for each file]' \
+  '-p[public key]:public key:_files' \
+  '-q[quiet mode]' \
+  '-x[signature file]:signature file:_files' \
+  '*:file:_files' \
+  - generate \
+  '-G[generate a new key pair]' \
+  '-c[specify comment]:comment:' \
+  '-n[do not ask for passphrase]' \
+  '-p[public key]:public key:_files' \
+  '-s[secret key]:secret key:_files' \
+  - sign \
+  '-S[sign a message and create a signature]' \
+  '-e[embed the message after the signature]' \
+  '-m[file containing message]:message file:_files' \
+  '-s[secret key]:secret key:_files' \
+  '-x[signature file]:signature file:_files' \
+  '-z[embed signature in gzip header]' \
+  - verify \
+  '-V[verify the message and signature match]' \
+  '-e[extract the message from the signature]' \
+  '-m[file containing message to verify or destination to extract]:message file:_files' \
+  '-p[public key]:public key:_files' \
+  '-q[quiet mode]' \
+  '-t[restrict verification to specified key type]:key type:((base\:"base sets" fw\:firmware pkg\:packages syspatch\:syspatches))' \
+  '-x[signature file]:signature file:_files' \
+  '-z[verify signature in gzip header]'
diff --git a/Completion/BSD/Command/_vmctl b/Completion/BSD/Command/_vmctl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e66c2383
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/BSD/Command/_vmctl
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+#compdef vmctl
+local context line state state_descr
+local -a subcommands vmctl_status
+local -A opt_args
+_vm_name() {
+  compadd "$@" - ${${${(@f)"$(_call_program vmctl_status vmctl status)"}[2,-1]}##* }
+_vm_switch() {
+  [[ -r /etc/vm.conf ]] &&
+  compadd "$@" - ${${${(M)${(f)"$(</etc/vm.conf)"}:#switch *}##switch ##\"#}%%\"# *}
+  console:'connect to the console of the VM'
+  create:'create a VM disk image'
+  load:'load additional configuration'
+  log:'change logging verbosity'
+  pause:'pause a VM'
+  receive:'receive a VM from stdin'
+  reload:'remove stopped VMs and reload config'
+  reset:'reset specified component'
+  send:'send VM to stdout and terminate it'
+  {show,status}:'list VMs running or just the specified id'
+  start:'start a VM'
+  stop:'stop a VM'
+  unpause:'unpause a VM'
+if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
+  _describe subcommand subcommands
+  shift words; (( CURRENT-- ))
+  case $words[1] in
+    console|pause|send|show|status|stop|unpause)
+      _arguments ':id:_vm_name'
+      ;;
+    create)
+      _arguments \
+        ':path:_files' \
+        ': :(-s)' \
+        ':disk size in megabytes: '
+      ;;
+    load)
+      _arguments ':configuration file:_files'
+      ;;
+    log)
+      _arguments ':logging verbosity:(brief verbose)'
+      ;;
+    receive)
+      _arguments ':name: '
+      ;;
+    reset)
+      _arguments ':reset option:((
+        all\:"reset the running state"
+        switches\:"reset the configured switches"
+        vms\:"reset and terminate all VMs"
+      ))'
+      ;;
+    start)
+      if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
+        _vm_name
+      else
+        shift words; (( CURRENT-- ))
+        _arguments -s \
+          '-b+[boot with the specified kernel or BIOS image]:boot image:_files' \
+          '-c[automatically connect to the VM console]' \
+          '*-d+[disk image file]:disk image:_files' \
+          '-i+[number of network interfaces]:number: ' \
+          '-L[add a local network interface]' \
+          '-m+[memory size in megabytes]:megabytes: ' \
+          '-n+[specify switch to attach]:switch:_vm_switch' \
+	  '-r+[ISO image file for virtual CD-ROM]:ISO image:_files'
+      fi
+      ;;
+  esac

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