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Re: [patch] _rmdir

Matthew Martin wrote:
> Is there an established position for --help and --version? Completing
> them would be more complete, but also useless noise in my opinion.

With most zsh completion things, the established position is to include
them and leave it up to the user to disable what they don't want with
styles. There are things I wouldn't include like deprecated options but I
do tend to include --help and --version. Completing them can be useful.

So if you find them to be useless noise, you can set:

  zstyle ':completion:*:options' ignored-patterns '--(help|usage|version)'

You might prefer to apply the hidden style to them using a tag-order
style with labels.

Unfortunately, where the option is just -h, -?, -v or -V your options
are limited. We perhaps need some way to select matches by description.
Or we could expand the groups functionality in _arguments to make, e.g.
the '?' group special.


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