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Bug in git tab completion: If git.showSignature = true is set globally, tab completion of commits is garbled


to reproduce this bug, set showSignature = true in the log section of
your global git config file, then type git reset <TAB> in a git repo
that has a recent signed commit in its history.

It looks like this:

    README überarbeitet (23 hours ago)       -- [README überarbeitet (23 hours ago)] gpg: Signatu
    gpg                                      --                 issuer "<censored>":[g
    Primary key fingerprint                  --  XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX  XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX 2F
    7ded199                                  -- [7ded199]
    92fdb4d                                  -- [92fdb4d] gpg:                using RSA key XXXXX
    gpg                                      --  Good signature from "<censored>
    92fdb4d                                  -- [92fdb4d] formatting (2 days ago)


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