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BUG: calendar style date completion broken


using the (at the time of writing) latest head of the zsh source
(zsh-5.7.1-148-g59901e6), the usage of the "calendar style date
completion" (_dates completer with menu selection) returns only

A minimal example to reproduce should be

$ autoload -Uz compinit
$ compinit
$ zstyle ':completion:*' menu select=1
$ ls *(cw <TAB>

Instead of a nicely formatted calendar you get some garbage to
select from.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to fix this bug myself, as the completion
system is (still) black magic for me, so I could not supply a patch.

Instead I narrowed down the first occurrence of the bug to this

[ cd6fd2b0a 44274: allow finer control of completion match
[ soring with compadd's -o option

I hope this is at least a little help for you.

Thanks a lot,

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