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Regression: 'read -s' does not disable echo

Folks, there's a regression on git mainline such that `read -s` does not
suppress terminal echo.

I recompiled yesterday, for the first time since ... I think last March.
I don't have the complete patch-level I was at before, sorry.  I'm now
at commit `a528af5c5` (or one after, for a local patch).


    read -s -r 'SUPER_SECRET?Enter your super secret: '

should read into $SUPER_SECRET without terminal echo.  The '-r' is not
needed to reproduce, but included to show that yes, I'm considering

Reproduces when started with `zsh -f`.

~% zsh -f
fullerene% read -s -r 'SUPER_SECRET?Enter your super secret: '
Enter your super secret: wobble
fullerene% echo $ZSH_VERSION $ZSH_PATCHLEVEL pdp/phil-local-patches/zsh-5.9-341-gb6bd6cc0c

Environment is Linux (Ubuntu 20.04, amd64/x86_64) in gnome-terminal,
reproduces in xterm too.


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