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PATCH: add descriptions for some Solaris signals

While testing the real-time signals on a variety of platforms, I took
note of cases where we don't set descriptions. These are probably only
useful for signals that have a default action that terminates the
process. For example, SIGSTKFLT on Linux appears to be unused and does
nothing so it is probably intentionally missing. The three added in this
patch are all Solaris.

On FreeBSD, there are THR and LIBRT signals that are marked as reserved.
We should possibly be filtering these out entirely (as bash and
FreeBSD's sh does). OpenBSD's sh doesn't filter the corresponding
SIGTHR. It also includes the descriptions in the output of kill -l which
is perhaps rather useful. Any thoughts?


diff --git a/Src/signames2.awk b/Src/signames2.awk
index 5738030c6..0b254f751 100644
--- a/Src/signames2.awk
+++ b/Src/signames2.awk
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 	if (signam == "CONT")   { msg[signum] = "continued" }
 	if (signam == "EMT")    { msg[signum] = "EMT instruction" }
 	if (signam == "FPE")    { msg[signum] = "floating point exception" }
+        if (signam == "FREEZE") { msg[signum] = "checkpoint freeze" }
 	if (signam == "HUP")    { msg[signum] = "hangup" }
 	if (signam == "ILL")    { msg[signum] = "illegal hardware instruction" }
 	if (signam == "INFO")   { msg[signum] = "status request from keyboard" }
@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@
 	if (signam == "SEGV")   { msg[signum] = "segmentation fault" }
 	if (signam == "SYS")    { msg[signum] = "invalid system call" }
 	if (signam == "TERM")   { msg[signum] = "terminated" }
+        if (signam == "THAW")   { msg[signum] = "checkpoint thaw" }
 	if (signam == "TRAP")   { msg[signum] = "trace trap" }
 	if (signam == "URG")    { msg[signum] = "urgent condition" }
 	if (signam == "USR1")   { msg[signum] = "user-defined signal 1" }
@@ -51,6 +53,7 @@
 	if (signam == "WINCH")  { msg[signum] = "window size changed" }
 	if (signam == "XCPU")   { msg[signum] = "cpu limit exceeded" }
 	if (signam == "XFSZ")   { msg[signum] = "file size limit exceeded" }
+        if (signam == "XRES")   { msg[signum] = "resource control exceeded" }

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