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Re: [PATCH?] Nofork and removing newlines

On Thu, Mar 7, 2024, at 2:02 PM, Bart Schaefer wrote:
> I'm leaving this in the same discussion thread because I just noticed
> that ${|...} and ${ cmd } do not really respect the
> IGNORE_CLOSE_BRACES option.  Setting that option changes handling of
> unbalanced braces (and I'm not yet sure if it does so in a sensible
> way) but does not force use of the semicolon e.g. in ${ cmd; } which
> theoretically it should.  Is this worth trying to work in?

It would be greatly preferable if IGNORE_CLOSE_BRACES were respected,
so that we don't have yet another exception that has to be documented
and watched out for.  However, I can't opine on whether it'd be worth
doing, since I don't know how hard it'd be and won't be working on it
in any case.

(Sorry if this has already been settled; I'm just now catching up on
some older threads.)


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