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Re: inet_{a,p}ton prototypes in Src/Modules/zftp.pro

On Mon, May 07, 2001 at 02:56:19PM +0000, Bart Schaefer wrote:
> I don't have access to Solaris 7 documentation, and everything on-line
> at sun.com is already Solaris 8 (and remarkably uninformative).  What
> librar(y|ies) (is|are) supposed to provide inet_aton() and inet_pton() ?

Both socket and nsl, on all versions of Solaris as far back as I can

> For example, it may be necessary to add
>     AC_CHECK_LIB(socket, inet_pton)
>                  ^^^^^^
> 		 or nsl, or something

There's already
	AC_SEARCH_LIBS(yp_all, nsl)
earlier on from
	AC_CHECK_LIB(socket, socket)
but switching those around doesn't seem to help me.
I tried a few other things, but I know very little about autoconf,
so haven't got it to work yet.

One problem I do notice in my config.log is that all the tests link with
-lnsl before -lsocket, which isn't the right way around.

Paul Ackersviller

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