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Re: Vim syntax file for zsh

Here are the things I notice:

Some of the characters like "|<>" were being highlighted as yellow in
a variable reference like ( found in _files:71)
eval "def=( ${${def:gs/\\:/\\\\\\\\\\\\:}//(#b)([][()|*?^#~<>])/\\${match[1]}}
another one from _path_files:165 that confuses it:
Here's a line that seems to confuse it from _nslookup
"${(@)^${(@)${(@M)setopts:#\(*}/\)/)-}/\(/(-}" \

Also the `` embedded in double quotes doesn't seem to highlight properly.

Also, it might be nice if well known functions like the completion
functions (e.g. _arguments)  are highlighted, like it does with
builtin variables.

A free standing -, or one that is in the middle of a word seems to turn red...

The syntax file doesn't handle here-strings "<<<" syntax.
 (see: http://zsh.sunsite.dk/Doc/Release/zsh_6.html#SEC28) 

Thanks Nikolai, this is useful. 

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