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Re: script != commandline ???

meino.cramer@xxxxxx writes:

>  I fear, I miss a basic information about zsh and scripting...
>  Giving
>     print -l **/*
>  on the command line gives me everything below `pwd` -- including
>  all "hidden" files and directories and their contents,
>  A script:
>    #! /bin/zsh
>    print -l **/*
>  only prints the not-"hidden" directories and their not-"hidden"
>  contents.

You need 'setopt globdots' to be able to glob dotfiles.

I suspect you have 'setopt globdots' in your .zshrc, .zprofile, or
.zlogin.  Which are not read by zsh scripts.  You probably either want
it in your .zshenv or in your script.


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