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Re: bindkey and vi mode question

[ Quoting Miek Gieben in "Re: bindkey and vi mode question"... ]
> [ Quoting Miek Gieben in "Re: bindkey and vi mode question"... ]
> > my (viins) keymap is somehow reset (at least for arraw-up/down)
> > 
> > Very strange...
> /etc/zsh/zshrc, which has the following lines:

To reply to myself.

A quote from zsh(1)

       Commands are then read from $ZDOTDIR/.zshenv.  If the shell is
       a login shell, commands are read  from /etc/zsh/zprofile  and
       then $ZDOTDIR/.zprofile.  Then, if the shell is interactive,
       commands are read from /etc/zsh/zshrc and then $ZDOTDIR/.zshrc.
       Finally, if the shell is a login shell, /etc/zsh/zlogin and
       $ZDOTDIR/.zlogin are read.

I set my key bindings in ~/.zprofile.... and after that 
/etc/zsh/zshrc which mangles MY key bindings again.

Thanks for the GLOBAL_RCS option :-)


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