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Re: Completion lists

Yuri DElia <wavexx <at> users.sf.net> writes:

> c='${PREFIX:+=(#b)($PREFIX:t)(?)*===$color[bold]}':'=(#b)(?)*==$color[bold]'
> zstyle -e ':completion:*' list-colors "reply=(\"$c\")"

I think I've hit a zsh bug here :/.

zstyle -e ':completion:*' list-colors "reply=(\"$c\")"

Try to complete a directory such as "./" first. The second expression will 
match, and the first character becomes bold.

Now try:

$ touch fileaa
$ touch filebb
$ ls file<TAB>

(this will correctly highlight "a" and "b")


$ ls ./<TAB>

will still match the second expression '=(#b)(?)*==1' but here (?) will capture
the first 4 characters, not just the first one. The length is dependent on
previous PREFIX ("file" here).


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