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Re: zsh: no matches found

On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 12:05:11AM -0700, Bart Schaefer wrote:
> On Apr 22,  2:02pm, lilydjwg wrote:
> }
> } Hi, I find url-quote-magic is great for literal URLs, but when I try to
> } paste some code with variables in URLs it breaks.  Is there a toggle
> } key/function or something to temporarily disable url-quote-magic?
> zle -A .self-insert self-insert
> should take care of it.  If you want that bound to a key, something like
> toggle-uqm() {
>   if zle -l self-insert
>   then zle -A .self-insert self-insert && zle -M self-insert
>   else zle -N self-insert url-quote-magic && zle -M url-quote-magic
>   fi
> }
> zle -N toggle-uqm
> bindkey '^X$' toggle-uqm	# Choose your preferred binding


Best regards,

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