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When (K) hash subscript flag could be useful?

I was stress testing the new hash assignment syntax for dash problems (because of having regrets about not doing this before -pcre_match regression revealed itself). Didn't find problems, but incidentally I stumbled upon ${harr[(K)...]}. Completion says:

K  -- all values where subscript matched by key as pattern

I finally decoded this – it takes keys of hash, treats them as patterns, and compares to subscript. So:

% local -A harr; harr=( 1\* 2- ); typeset -p1 -- harr; print -rl "${harr[(K)1-aaa]}"
typeset -A harr=(

So this is reverse to what is expected: return keys, but match subscript-query to values. However passing (k) flag to match-values (R) subscript-flag does what's expected:

% local -A harr; harr=( 1- 2- ); typeset -p1 -- harr; print -rl "${(k)harr[(R)2-*]}"
typeset -A harr=(

I suspect (K) was added for versality. But maybe there are know applications of such "hash = database of patterns" construct?

Sebastian Gniazdowski
psprint /at/ zdharma.org

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