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Re: emulate bash key bindings

On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 11:25 PM Daniel Shahaf <d.s@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> That's true for z-sy-h's master branch, but with the feature/redrawhook
> branch (due to be merged after 0.7.0's release) highlighting will be
> refreshed even by invocations of dot-prefixed widgets.


That's useful to know. Thanks for the heads up.

I took a look at the code and see that feature/redrawhook branch
applies highlighting in zle-line-pre-redraw. Won't this cause issues
when zsh-syntax-highlighting is used together with
zsh-autosuggestions? zsh-autosuggestions doesn't wrap
zle-line-pre-redraw by default, so it won't apply its own highlighting
on top of zsh-syntax-highlighting. If zsh-autosuggestions starts
wrapping zle-line-pre-redraw by default, there are still potential
issues for users who upgrade their local zsh-syntax-highlighting
before zsh-autosuggestions. There are also users who manually set


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