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Re: zstat

On 04/05/2022 08:18, Bart Schaefer wrote:
On Tue, May 3, 2022 at 11:43 PM zzapper <zsh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
zsh -ic 'whence -v zstat'
zstat is a shell builtin
Hm.  Well, if making zmodload a function didn't uncover it, then it's
time to bring out the big guns:

disable zmodload

(in ~/.zshenv) and look for the errors.

If zstat still shows up after that, it's either being loaded from
/etc/zshenv, or zsh has been compiled with zstat as an autoloadable
builtin, both of which seem unlikely since you said it's not there for
"zsh -f".

# OK I have now 'deleted' my .zshrc  (kept a copy of course)

# I get the following 'odd' behaviour

If I start a new gnome terminal I have zstat

mint-HP-600B% zstat

zstat: no files given

# but if i reload zsh

mint-HP-600B% zsh
mint-HP-600B% zstat

zsh: command not found: zstat

So this has falsified my testing as I have always launched a new terminal

# confused.com


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