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Re: Duplicate results in _python - (Re: [MINOR BUG] Duplicate results in tab-menu)

On Fri, Jun 24, 2022 at 7:40 AM Morten Nissov <morten.c.nissov@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Regarding the workaround, as far as I can see `zstyle ':completion::complete:python<->#(.<->)#::*' list-dirs-first false` doesn't actually fix the problem.

That's because the context being tested is actually
:completion::complete:python3:: which considered "shorter than" the
pattern above, so the :completion:* zstyle is chosen instead.  The
rules for deciding what's the "best match" for zstyle patterns are a
bit convoluted.  Leave off the final * and you can leave the
number-match for python version.

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