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Re: .zsh_history

On Sat, Apr 8, 2023 at 6:17 PM Perry Smith <pedz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I don’t have anything special set up other than setting HISTFILE, HISTSIZE=2097152, and SAVEHIST=1048576.  I also have histignoredups and histignorealldups on.
> TL; DR: question: Does zsh re-read the .zsh_history file at the time it is exiting by default?

Yes. If you exit all shells, you'll have history from all of them
saved within $HISTFILE.

FWIW, I personally dislike all global rc files and especially those
that try to do non-trivial things (like on macOS). I disable global rc
files on all machines and all operating systems that I use.


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