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Re: Is there a way of getting current xterm buffer?

On 9/19/23 5:21 PM, Sebastian Gniazdowski wrote:
It fine to save the screen copy to a file, I can read it via $(<file).

Fair enough.

Does xterm can save the screen to a file, via the "media-copy" control seq that you've mentioned?

XTerm can be configured to save content sent via media copy to a file.

N.B. media copy doesn't capture the screen to a file. Rather media copy causes XTerm to take subsequent data and send it to the file.

You set media copy on, send data to -- ostensibly -- print to media, and then set media copy off to return the terminal to normal operations.

Is there some example available of how to use it?

I've got things somewhere.

Hand typing this between terminals for $REASONS.

# Media Copy On
echo -n "^[[5i"
cat -
# Media Copy Off
echo -n "^[[4i"

^[ is a stand in for the escape character.

This is the standard Control Sequence Introducer (CSI). Escape followed by an open square bracket.

I use this with something like the following:

   % uname -a | mediacopy

That causes uname's STDOUT to go into the mediacopy script's STDIN which gets wrapped with the CSI 5 i or CSI 4 i.

I have the following configured in my ~/.Xdefaults:

XTerm.vt100.printerCommand: /path/to/XTerm.vt100.printerCommand.sh

My XTerm.vt100.printerCommand.sh is fairly simple.

cat - > `date +/path/to/destination.d/XTerm-printout-%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.txt`

Remember to use xrdb et al. to load the updated ~/.Xdefaults file. Or otherwise get the XTerm.vt100.printerCommand setting into X11.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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