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Re: Bug in colored listings with backreference patterns?

Possibly related is a repeatable core dump I'm getting.

setopt extendedglob	# Doc for ZLS_COLORS should mention this
zstyle ':completion:*:zsh-options' list-colors \
# The above crashes the shell, but if this 04; ^^^ is removed, it works.

I have zsh-mem-debug enabled, and it appears to be dereferencing through
what used to be a pointer inside a struct that has since been freed (it's
dereferncing 0xffffffff), possibly in getcoldef() -- the stack is mostly
garbage, even running inside GDB.

What you should see if the pattern above works, is that all options that
start with sh|csh|ksh are underlined and have the shell name in green; if
the substring "glob" appears, then the rest is in red (still underlined);
and all other options that contain "glob" are in red (but not underlined).

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

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